As Ramadan fast approaches, we as Muslim women intend to make fast as a way to clean our bodies and our mind. But how does Ramadan compare to intermittent fasting. Watch my video on Ramadan and Intermittent fasting here, I discuss the benefits fasting provides to our bodies from a medical perspective:
This Ramadan however, many Muslims start the day with delicious meals for suhoor depending on which country you come from, which adds to the beauty of Muslims. Some are starting with parathas and eggs, some with leftover gravy from last night, some start with plain coffee and bagel and others with perhaps Kinche, an Ethiopian breakfast. I consider this for my Muslim patients as the most important month of the year when it comes to not only helping our souls learn patience and taqwa, but also to reset the minds and body to begin loosing weight.
In the Quran, Allah (s.w.t) mentions regarding Ramadan or fasting:
"You who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may be mindful of God." (Al-Baqarah 2:183)
As excited as I am to share the tips necessary to loose weight this Ramadan, lets not forget the main aim is to remember your Lord, elevate your mind away from food and worldly benefits, to the one that Allah (s.w.t) is pointing towards. This is a once in a year opportunity to change your habits and replace them with ones of discipline, patience and immense virtue. Surprisingly, these are also the habits necessary when it comes to weight loss.

Lets begin our 30 day Ramadan weight loss challenge. Here are 10 tips to follow for success:
As we begin our day for suhoor, make an exceptional habit to wake up even half an hour earlier and begin zikr and pray tahajud, the nightly prayer. This is necessary, and allows your mind to now be ready to receive the immensity of the day. Many people, have talked about the benefits of meditation to the mind, especially one that is done in silence and early morning. I cannot describe how beneficial this is to ones mind. It is like a destresser. If you have read my articles, you know that stress alone can lead to weight gain. As you are focused on your Lord, your stress will decline. Ask Him to relieve your burdens and forgiveness above all. Take this 30 day challenge to make this part of your morning routine.
Suhoor begins. As you gravitate towards stuffing your bellies with food, in fear of feeling hungry later on and being cranky, remember that Allah (s.w.t) has encouraged in us Muslims moderation. This does not changes in Ramadan. Remember that the goal is to learn patience, understand the suffering of others who are starving without food. Eat normal, not excessive. If you practice intermittent fasting, begin your day with coffee or tea and avoid breakfast altogether if you have the habit already to do so. At most take a light toast or snack. Remember, the goal is to keep our bellies empty for longer hours. This pushes our bodies into ketosis faster, and the sooner we will loose weight. Read my article on how intermittent fasting helps.
Fill your bellies with hydration: Many people will consider this as lassi, a Pakistani sweetened milk and yogurt drink or Laban in the middle east. But I would say in the purest form, it is water. Drink one whole glass as a starter to your suhoor. This is the much needed hydration to sustain the day. Add one or three dates as part of your suhoor as well to provide that needed energy. This desert food is considered an energy bar. It is jam packed with vitamins and fiber to sustain you. If you drink 8 ounces of coffee or tea reduce to 6 ounces. As both may lead to diuresis or water loss. This is also a month to detoxify yourself from caffeine which depletes the bodies energy stores in higher quantities.
Begin your day with keeping a tasbih in your hands at almost all times. It is strange the natural feeling these beads hold. If you have them, you can feel them. When you feel them, automatically your tongue will gravitate towards zikr and avoid back biting, non-sense talk that is not necessary. For those who work, go to work and be proud to show your religion. We in America, feel blessed to be in a country where we are not to be discriminated based on our religion. Educate people on Ramadan. Know that Allah is with you. They also sell these small tasbihs that fit like a ring and are under your hand, barely visible to others if you feel conscious.
This is the time to distract yourself, clean your mind. Avoid television, news, social media content that is useless. I consider these as the biggest things holding us back from reaching our best potential. If you must listen, watch something that will help you. Always ask yourself this question before opening any video or article on YouTube or Instagram: How will this help me reach Jannah. If your answer is it doesn't then ask the next question: How will this help me become better at a skill or be a better person. If your answer is yes it can then go ahead and learn from it.
Pray your prayers on time. Hardly any job other than my surgeon friends will have this excuse that we cannot leave for 5-10 minutes and dedicate the time for prayer. Make it a priority. This is the time to change your habit of saying, let me finish this paperwork and ill pray. This is the art of discipline my friends. If you cannot get up as soon as the Athan is called, you are not truly dedicated to the understanding that this world is a short guesthouse where you stay. It doesn't matter what your job is, it will not lead you to Jannah without your prayers standing up for you. Allah (s.w.t) has made salat as a savior for us and has given special mention to the Asr salat. Do not show Allah that he is second to your needs. Pray right away and make this part of your 30 day challenge.
Quran reading as a way to keep your mind away from food. Many people will make attempt to complete one juz in a day to complete the whole of Quran in 30 days. If you have the stamina to do this, by all means achieve this target. I am not a native Arabic speaker, to me it takes longer to read and then understand the meaning with translation. To me, I hold importance to understanding rather than just reading. You may hold a different view. But I see Quran as a guidance for humanity. I read at a slow pace throughout the year and read the translation. What motivates me is my kids. I take a dedicated time to sit with them and tell them the meaning of the Quranic verses. This strengthens my faith in Allah (s.w.t) as I feel empowered and proud to be a Muslim and hope to raise kids who love their religion. Please take the time to do the same with your family or yourself. The time it takes is dependent on you.
Now that you have been fasting for at least 18 hours, maybe longer in some cases. It is time for iftar. As you prep, learn that this is a time for sitting together as one family. This is a time to bring your children and family members closer. People tend to make more than they need during this time. They are hungry, everything looks good. Some people start with delicious soups, some with fruit chat, others with dates. My suggestion, is whatever you choose to make, start your breaking of the fast with the most nutritious meal on the table. If it is fruits, then eat a small plate, if its salad do so. Do not reach for the samosas or fried borek right away. Start with a date and water, then the healthy item on your table. Always have one healthy item every iftar. Reach for it as a must for the first dish. As a result you will eat less of the fried options.
Keep in mind the portion size. If you intend to understand the true plight of the needy, remember that they do not have the option of massive iftar meals, Learn to teach moderation to yourself and your family. Eat healthy and nutritious. Indulge but only after healthy and nutritious option is used. This article talks about how portion size is used to loose weight.
Stand up for tarawih. But hold a water bottle with you. Do not stand to eat all night long. Remember that iftar is your last meal of the day. After this STOP. Drink water to hydrate, pray tarawih at home or in the masjid. By this time you should feel exhausted enough to sleep. The circadian rhythm is important in keeping the weight off. Sleep after tarawih and follow the cycle again. I have also discussed the importance sleep has on resetting the bodies hormones and maximizing your weight loss potential.
Lastly, my friends remember the people of Palestine and Sudan and the suffering they endure. I cannot describe how painful it is to watch these young children suffer. As Muslims, we have a duty and an obligation to help our brothers and sisters in need. As we live in countries that are blessed with immense food, we should remember how starvation is the worst form of slow death. This Ramadan is a reminder everyday of how people in Gaza are being tortured. Everyone of us should avoid lavish spending on big parties and useless chatter, and use that to donate to our beloved Muslims in need. Make your Zakat the biggest. Avoid delicacies for Iftar and choose to make a jar at your home where each and every family member makes a habit to put money saved for Zakat. Pray for your Muslim brothers and sisters and take action against injustice. May Allah bless the Muslims and make us strong in our faith.