Three years ago, I left primary care as a corporate employee working everyday to eventually buildup to 20 patients per day. Lunch breaks were spent completing notes or checking inbox. Notes were left undone to be completed at home or in the hope that perhaps a patient may not show up the next day giving some time to catch up. The days when I had lots of cancelation was considered a good day as now I had the time to complete notes and finally rest my brain for sometime. This is the sad reality of primary care medicine.

Many of us physicians, as we leave the primary care workforce as burnt and overworked physicians, shift to hospital medicine in hopes for a better lifestyle. That's been my story. I am grateful to have gained experience in both fields and am grateful to have the opportunities. But why Direct Primary Care? The idea that I can help my community with more time, one on one care, time to do procedures so that our people are not waiting in line in Urgent Cares or flooding the emergency department, is a valuable service that I feel, I cant wait to offer my community. I hope you will support me in my new endeavor as I plan to open my doors this fall.
By this time, I have read books in the field, attended conferences and gained enough understanding and knowledge to feel confident that this is exactly what our community needs. If anyone values their health and is willing to spend a small monthly subscription fee as they do for their cell phones or Netflix membership, they will find this as a much cheaper and better option. My goal is to help my community be healthier and better so they will avoid going to the emergency department as much as possible. They will have my phone on their fingertips. This is how medicine is supposed to be. At the same time, I plan to know as many of you as possible. My services will include, primary care, lifestyle medicine and obesity care. Please subscribe to my website so you stay updated on when this transition will be happening. Looking forward to Fall 2024.